I find it interesting that James didn’t tell these believers that God didn’t hear their petitions. God wasn’t ignoring them, but He was wisely withholding their requests. God knew these requests weren’t made to bring glory to Him or to advance the Kingdom; they were made out of selfishness. The people were treating God like a “fairy godfather” who would grant their every wish. How belittling. And how shortsighted, as if God the Father doesn’t know what is best for His children. Prayers with the motivation of self-promotion/self-satisfaction can’t honor God. In John 14, Jesus said, “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it SO THAT THE FATHER MIGHT BE GLORIFIED IN THE SON (verse 13, emphasis mine).” Proper motivation for what we ask is key in having our prayers answered. Self-evaluation time: Am I asking for what *I* want, or am I asking for what *He* wants for me?
![What does God want for you?](https://kimvogelsawyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/DEVOTIONS.004-1-1170x658.jpeg)