To make a long backstory short, on Mt. Sinai, God gave Moses two stone tablets bearing His instructions for living rightly. When Moses carried them down the mountain, he found that the children of Israel, with his brother Aaron in charge, were worshiping a golden calf that Aaron had crafted. Moses, in anger, broke the tablets. Symbolically, he broke the covenant the Israelites had made with God. But our God gives second chances, so He invited Moses to come again. And notice what Moses did: just as the LORD commanded him. I find this intriguing, because in chapters three and four of Exodus, Moses didn’t always do what God commanded. He made excuses instead. But somewhere along the way, Moses’ relationship with God had shifted to the place of obedience. Consequently, Moses would receive a precious reward for his choice to heed God’s instruction. We’ll look at that tomorrow, but here’s a hint: its something we all long to receive.