Do you see those opening words, “And we”? Those are special words. John was writing specifically to Jesus’ followers—those who believed back then that He was the risen Son of God, and those who believe in Him now. John might have been thinking more about the first disciples, who walked alongside Jesus on dusty roads or sat and listened to Him teach, but we can’t disregard today’s disciples, the ones who’ve experienced a spiritual awakening by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Our personal testimonies speak. We know what change Jesus has brought to our lives. If others see a change in the way we were before we were saved to the way we are after Jesus washed our sins away, think what this says to the world. Our lives bear testimony to the truth of His saving grace. We are blessed. We are privileged to be called children of God. We have a responsibility to testify to His truth in this lost world.