God my King

At first glance, this verse seems rather insignificant when compared to others like John 3:16 or the 23rd Psalm. But the more I looked at it, the more “meat” I found. Note some of these important words:

For God is MY King… “My” indicates a personal relationship. A king’s first obligation is the wellbeing of his people. I have a King who always has my best interest at heart. He LOVES me, pure and simple.

My King is from ancient times… “Is” indicates present tense. I never have to say, “My god was alive at this time” because my God IS alive FOREVER.

…performing saving acts… So much here! “Performing” means He is active every day, at work in the lives of His people. “Saving acts” tells me salvation is always available to anyone who chooses to believe. The lowliest, ugliest, most blatant sinner can find peace and restoration when he turns his heart to God.

God’s Word speaks. Many of our hymns and carols were inspired by scripture. It’s become my tradition to focus on these beautiful pieces of scriptural truth during the CHRISTmas season. Until the day we celebrate Jesus’ birth, we’ll be looking at the stanzas from familiar and perhaps unfamiliar carols. I hope they will bless you the way they always bless me.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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