It wasn’t unusual for God to appear in a cloud. Other places in the Bible, He appears in a cloud of glory, which I envision as a radiance visible to the human eye. This time God came in a cloud and stood with Moses, and then He introduced Himself by stating His name. The LORD. All caps, meaning Yahweh, the Covenant God of Israel. It was a holy name, revered by His people. It gives credence to God’s eternal existence. By stating His name to Moses, He was offering an invitation to meet Him. To know Him. God is holy. He is majestic. He is all-knowing and all-seeing and far beyond human understanding. And at the same time, God is personal. He establishes personal relationships with those who seek Him. Remember Jeremiah 29:13? If we seek Him, we find Him. He’s ready and waiting to receive any soul who reaches out to Him. We cannot be at peace until we know the Holy God, the Creator, the Great I Am.