We are His

“For I am persuaded…” Paul wrote those words from a place of experience. He had been imprisoned, flogged to near death, stoned, chased out of towns, and lived without the security of a warm bed or a good meal at the close of day. But those events had actually convinced him of this truth: NOTHING was powerful enough to separate him from God’s love. He was absolutely certain he’d been changed by Jesus Christ, and he lived in full security that the God who’d sent Jesus would never leave him nor forsake him. There are life circumstances that want to rattle our faith, that tempt us to question God’s love, but when we look at Jesus—at the sacrifice He made for us in obedience to the Father—we cannot refute the truth that God loves us. He gave us the ultimate proof by letting His Son take the penalty for our sins, giving us the promise of eternal life with Him. “O love of God…how measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure…” There is our security, dear Christian, that holds us fast no matter what life-storm we face. We are HIS forever and ever.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

Website design and hosting by Vogel Design LLC.