The people referenced in the latter part of Hebrews 11:13 are the faithful ones mentioned previously by the author (I encourage you to read Hebrews 11 in its entirety—it truly is encouraging for today’s believers). They walked this earth. They served their Lord. But all the while, they realized something better awaited them. A believer’s true citizenship is in heaven, so it tells us in Philippians 3:20. These faithful ones’ true allegiance wasn’t to a physical country but to God. Every soul born has one longing: a relationship with its Maker. We try to fill that place of longing with the temporal things of earth, but until we receive His Son and call God our Abba, Father, there will always be something missing. Our final destination as Christians who are in this world but not of it is the heavenly city God has prepared for us. While we’re in this land filled with suffering, pain, and evil, let us be loyal and faithful followers of God who is wholly good and righteous and just. Let us invite as many as possible to make that trek to heaven with us. Let us confidently rest in His promises, for the One who saved us is faithful.