Respond with love

There are two characteristics that can completely derail the instruction in this verse: envy and apathy. When something good happens for a Christian brother or sister, envy seals our lips against offering a sincere congratulations. When a Christian brother or sister suffers a loss, apathy closes us to offering sincere comfort. I can’t help but think of Jesus when Mary and Martha escorted Him to Lazarus’ grave. The sisters were bereft. Jesus knew Lazarus would be called to life again, but even so, He wept with His friends. Was it His compassion for Mary and Martha that brought Him to tears? We do the Body of Christ a great disservice when we withhold words of celebration for successes or words of understanding in times of sorrow. We can rejoice with those who rejoice when we remember we’re all part of the body; when something good happens for one part of the body, it benefits the body as a whole. If we truly care about the body as a whole, we will mourn with those who are brokenhearted, because we will feel their pain as if it’s our own. A simple rule to follow is treat others the way we’d like to be treated. We cannot go wrong when we respond with love, whether in rejoicing or weeping.

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