Rescued for eternity

My mom always said, “There are two thing in life that are certain: death and taxes.” Kind of a tongue-in-cheek statement. It’s also true. We can’t avoid either one. So how can the psalmist claim that he was rescued from the depths of death? Well, “depth” could be changed to “darkness.” Darkness usually describes a place of fear and sorrow. A lot of people look at death as something to be feared and mourned. But in God’s great love, He provided an escape from death’s dark sting: Jesus. When we confess our sins, seek His forgiveness, and claim Him as the Lord of our life, then death loses its sting. Death becomes the gateway to eternity with Him. Death for the unbeliever should be a fearful thing, because it will separate them forever from God. But oh, for the Christian, death has no power. We’ve been rescued for all eternity!

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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