Opportunities to grow

Paul was absolutely certain his fellow believers were keeping their hearts and minds open to the Lord’s leading. This openness would allow the Lord to work in and through them for the good of the Kingdom and for their personal growth. You know, we never get to the place where we “know it all” when it comes to the Christian walk. If we continually seek Him, every day can find us growing in grace, trust, compassion, patience, and all the other characteristics that emulate Jesus. We make progress…intentional, forward progress. We might stumble, but we can never stumble so badly that God gives up on us. He never stops wanting to grow us. Once we have confessed our need for a Savior and accepted Jesus as Lord, we will have an ever-present Helper who guides us into greater Christlikeness every day. As my mother, the most faithful saint I’ve ever known, lay on her death bed, she was asking Him, “What can I learn from this?” As long as we draw breath, there’s an opportunity to grow and do good for Him. Growth should be our goal until the very day we go Home.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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