When we see the addict, the hoodlum, the homeless or broken, do we turn away in scorn, or do we think, “There, but for the grace of God, go I”? I’m prized and cherished by Father-God, but that doesn’t give me a reason to gloat. It gives me a reason to be grateful and humble, because I am a sinner saved by a grace I do not deserve. A lot of people look in the mirror and decide because of their physical appearance or bank account or talent that they’re “better” than those around them. That mindset is not what God wants for us. Jesus—the perfect Son of God!—took the position of servant. Such an example He set for us. Remembering that “there, but for the grace of God, go I” is a great way to remind ourselves how we’ve been saved and help us develop a humble heart that reaches out to those who still walk in lostness.
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