After watching the movie “War Room,” I set aside a place in my office to post my prayers. I have a daily prayer for my family, and it starts out with the words “Thank You for…” I am so grateful for the family with whom God has gifted me. I’m…

After watching the movie “War Room,” I set aside a place in my office to post my prayers. I have a daily prayer for my family, and it starts out with the words “Thank You for…” I am so grateful for the family with whom God has gifted me. I’m…
When my heart is heavy or I’m battling pain–emotional, spiritual, or physical–I’ve learned a simple pick-me-up: I sing praise songs. One after another. You see, God inhabits praise, so when I lift my voice in praise and adoration, He infuses me. When He infuses me, I discover the strength I…
HYMN DAY! “Living for Jesus” by Thomas O. Chisholm makes a good New Year resolution. If you still need one. *wink* Living for Jesus, a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing…
Piggybacking on yesterday’s post… People try to place their hope in the stock market, or on a new relationship, or in a bigger house with lots of rooms. But the only hope that endures is the promise waiting for us in Heaven. It brings us joy when we know those…
It is getting harder and harder to openly live our faith in this country that was founded on Godly principles. It makes my heart sad to see Jesus’ name being trampled, prayers being squashed, and God being chased from all public places. WE, dear Christian brothers and sisters, may well…
What better message is there than the announcement that a Savior is born? Jesus lived, died, and rose again. Because He lives, and because I’ve asked Him to be my personal Lord and Savior, my soul is secure for all eternity. No more darkness abides within me; I’ve been flooded…
Jesus, although weary and overwhelmed, chastised His disciples when they tried to hold back the children from “bothering” Him. In Matthew 18, He says unless people become like little children, they cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. You see, children innately trust. If Daddy holds out his arms and says,…
HYMN DAY! I’m not done with Christmas yet, so…”O Little Town of Bethlehem” by Phillips Brooks. O little town of Bethlehem How still we see thee lie Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting Light The hopes and…
Word of the Father appeared in flesh in the form of a tiny, helpless, humble baby. Often artists paint a halo around the infant Jesus in the manger, a reference to His holiness. Did you know that you, as a believer, are also holy? The Bible calls us to holiness–being…
You’ll see a lot of evergreens this week. Evergreens always remind me of eternal life, and the thought of eternal life always brings to mind this very familiar verse. God’s gift of Jesus was beyond priceless. His precious Son, sent to be our sin sacrifice, entered this world so that…