HYMN DAY! “We Are Called to Be God’s People” by Thomas A. Jackson was put to music written by Franz Joseph Haydn and is really pretty when sung. The words are powerful when you consider putting them to action. (You can listen to it here, if you like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L-Wjyn6nGI) Verse…
Yesterday I shared that Paul urged the Ephesian Christian to assume an attitude of Christ-likeness. If they did so, their actions would reflect that heart attitude. “With all” are strong words, because they indicate each of these characteristics are to be exercised fully. Humility and gentleness often get a bum…
Paul wrote an encouraging and edifying letter to the Ephesian church while he was in a prison cell. But that’s not why he called himself a prisoner in the Lord here. He wanted to remind his readers that living one’s life according to the Gospel of Christ wouldn’t be popular…
Have you ever encouraged someone to try something new, whether a food dish or an activity, certain they’ll enjoy it if they take the chance? This is David’s challenge—try for yourself and discover the goodness (the excellent qualities) of God. When we follow Him instead of self, we find our…
What an invitation David extended to his readers: Proclaim the LORD’s greatness WITH (my emphasis) me! There is something so special about exalting God’s name with fellow believers. To exalt Him is to proclaim His greatness, to share a personal testimony of His glory. Exalting His name is bringing attention…
How I love the hymn, “Praise Him, Praise Him! Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer!” by Fanny Crosby. Sing it loud with your hands raised high in honor of the One who redeemed your soul! 1 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer! Sing, O earth, his wonderful love proclaim! Hail…
No one likes listening to a braggart expound on his own accomplishments. In that case, the boasting is self-centered. But boasting in the Lord directs others to rejoice with the boaster. How many times have you been encouraged when you hear about how God met a need, brought a touch…
Ah, clouds…I’ve always been fascinated by clouds. I feel God’s majesty and creative presence deep in my soul when I gaze at a beautiful sky. (I’m sure I’ve bothered the neighbors a time or two by singing praise songs while admiring the morning or evening sky.) There is no one…
God loves humanity. He loves every person ever born and those who have yet to be born. He loves humanity so much He sent His only Son to the cross to take the penalty for our sin. Jesus died for humanity—for every person ever born and those who have yet…
Ambassadors, people who represented one royal court to another, were common during Bible times. As Christ’s ambassadors, we have been commissioned to share the Gospel of Christ and invite others into relationship with Him. We often hear “don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk.” It’s sound advice. But you…