Kim Vogel Sawyer

Believe and be saved

Believe and be saved

I hear variations of a certain statement on a regular basis, sometimes even from Christian leaders, and it always makes me cringe. The statement: “A loving God won’t send anyone to hell.” I cringe because it’s true, but it’s also misleading. God doesn’t “send” anyone to hell. He has made…

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The love of God

The love of God

Every child who attends Sunday school memorizes John 3:16 (I memorized the King James version, and to this day none of the other versions sound “right” to me *grin*, but I do like the readability of the New Living Translation). Oh, the height and the breadth and the depth of…

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Believe and see

Believe and see

Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus here, who recognized that Jesus was more than just a man—He was someone special who had been sent by God. He doesn’t quite realize yet that Jesus is both God and man, that He is the long-awaited Messiah, but Jesus is going to help him…

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Free indeed

Free indeed

These words were spoken by John the Baptist, referring to Jesus. John wanted those around him to realize who Jesus was and why He’d come. The people would have understood a reference to a lamb; they sought forgiveness by shedding the blood of an unblemished lamb. Jesus, the Lamb of…

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What is excellent

What is excellent

Verses 9-11 are all one long sentence, but I’ve divided it up. This follows our instruction to rely on God’s wisdom and discernment for our love to abound. When we rely on His wisdom rather than the world’s (which is foolishness in His eyes!), we can determine the excellent things…

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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