Trust Him

In late 2004 I battled a strange pull on my heart. I was teaching 5th grade and I loved it. Loved the kids. Loved guiding them and watching them grow and change. But at the same time, I was restless, repeatedly feeling as if God was telling me it was time to close my classroom door. I couldn’t understand it. Didn’t He know how much I loved being with these kids, how hard I’d labored to earn my college degree while raising a family? Why would He take me away from something I’d struggled to obtain and truly enjoyed doing? I prayed and prayed for Him to enlighten me, and He didn’t, but the tug wouldn’t stop. Eventually, even though I still had no clear understanding of why He was telling me to leave my classroom, I stepped out in faith and turned in my resignation. Shortly after, God flung wide a new door: the door to a writing and speaking ministry far outside of anything I could have envisioned for myself.

Sometimes, no matter how hard we beg for answers, God chooses not to give them. In those times, we are called upon to trust first and understand later. There might be times when understanding doesn’t come for months or even years. We might not get full understanding about some things until we reach His side in Heaven, when everything will be made clear. But one thing we can always do: TRUST HIM. Call on Him, listen for answers, but know that even in His silence He’s teaching us, molding us, growing us. Trust Him. He knows what is best for all His children.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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