In a lot of ways, this world is a mess. And do you know why? Because of sin, that’s why. I realize “sin” is a word that makes people uncomfortable or irritable or outright defensive, but it has to be said. Because until we recognize our sinful state, we cannot be changed. There seems to be a cry that if it feels right to me, then it’s right. Um, nope. Our sinful humanity cannot make that judgment. Only God, who created us, can make that judgment. Only God, who loves us enough to provide the way for us to stand in righteousness, can tell us how to be righteous. Men can try to save themselves. Men can try to write their own rulebooks. Men can pound their fists and holler, “This is MY truth! I believe it, so that makes it TRUE!” But here’s the real truth: Until we submit to God’s righteousness, we will be dissatisfied, empty, and lost. There is only one standard for righteousness, and it comes directly from God’s Word. We’ll explore that more on Thursday.