The prayers of the righteous

There seems to be a lot of warnings about the wicked in this section of Psalm 119. Apparently the world isn’t as different today as it was in King David’s time! There have always been groups of people bent on destroying God’s people and removing any mention of God. The thing is, those who want to get rid of God and Christians are only proving His existence. Why fight against a nothing? Why try to destroy something that doesn’t impact you? It’s their own guilt and selfishness they’re trying to escape, and they choose to do it by attacking the One they believe causes their guilt. Of course, it won’t work. Because God can’t be destroyed. There is no power greater than the Light of His Love. There is no path to satisfaction other than the path that leads to the Cross. Those who devise wicked schemes are lost. Are you praying for God’s light to penetrate every dark heart so the lost might find their way to the Savior? How I hope so. HE is the only One who can restore the wicked to right standing. The prayers of the righteous avail much! Again, I call you to pray.

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