“Piggybacking” on yesterday’s post, I pray that the heritage of trust in the Lord continues through the next generations in my family. Every day I pray for each of my children (including each son-in-law) and grandchild by name, that their roots will grow deeply into His soil so they will know the joy of His love and presence. This is similar to the prayer my mother prayed each day for my brother and me, our spouses, her grandchildren and their spouses, and her great-grandchildren. My mama continued to pray until she drew her last breath; I intend to do the same. When we set our heart on keeping God’s decrees, then we can rest assured we will stay in God’s will. When we stay in God’s will, we avoid painful regret and soured relationships. Following Him is the single most important thing any of us can aspire to do. Is it easy? Not always. For some, it could mean daily struggle. But worth it? The moment we see His face and hear those wonderful words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” it will be worth every moment of effort.