It’s pretty easy to live a Godly life when you’re surrounded by Godly people. Most of the time, however, we aren’t only around Christians. We find unGodly people in our workplaces, the stores we frequent, on the streets, and….well, everywhere we go! When we are in the midst of the world is when we most need to remember His instruction. Those we encounter need to witness a better way of behaving. We need to exercise strength to remain true to Him regardless of what those around us choose to do. Here in America, we don’t suffer the kind of persecution our Christian brothers and sisters in communist nations face, but our freedom to practice Christianity isn’t a guarantee even in this country. If true persecution comes, will we be so grounded in Him that we cannot be shaken from our foundation of faith? Let us be able to say, like the psalmist, “Though the ropes of the wicked were wrapped around me, I did not forget Your instruction.” Let us stay true to Him!