Kim Vogel Sawyer

Kim Vogel Sawyer: Inspiration Speaker

Wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, author, speaker, singer of songs, and lover of chocolate…

Kim Sawyer wears many hats — hats she dons cheerfully and willingly. Some hats, such as mom to a special-needs child and long-time sufferer of chronic pain, have been worn with frustration. Hats she’s found the courage to discard are the coverings of fear and shame brought about by abuse and welfare reliance.

God’s miraculous hand of healing in Kim’s physical and emotional life is a source of inspiration which she would like to share. Kim’s gentle yet forthright testimony, interspersed with humor, lends credence to the promise of Psalm 117:2 — “…great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.”

Kim would enjoy the opportunity to share her testimony with women’s groups whether large or small. All of her topics carry a Christian perspective with an honesty that will touch your heart. She is able to provide special music if you would like a complete program.

Kim is also available for book signings, writer’s groups, and library or classroom guest visits to discuss writing, publishing, or engage in a Q&A session.

To schedule a speaking event, please e-mail Kim’s assistant.

Scroll down for topics and suggested fees.

Prepared Topics for Retreats or Women’s Groups

An Unlikely Journey (1 hour) Kim’s personal testimony of how God used unlikely circumstances in her life to mold her into the person He designed her to be. Ideal for adult, female audiences. (Suggested fee: $250 + expenses if greater than 45 miles from Hutchinson, KS)

An Unexpected Touch (30 minutes) Kim’s personal testimony, focusing on her physical healing as it relates to publishing. Ideal for women’s fellowship events, library events, or couple events. (Suggested fee: $150 + expenses if greater than 45 miles from Hutchinson, KS)

In His Footsteps (Three-Session Women’s Retreat) Includes Kim’s personal testimony, “An Unlikely Journey” plus “He Makes Good Plans” and “He Will Be There.” Focusing on God’s perfect plan for each life, participants will build a “rock altar” of memories and seek out God’s hand in the past, present, and future. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour; works well for a Friday evening/Saturday morning fellowship time for adult, female audiences. (Suggested fee: $750 + expenses)

Lessons Learned From Chocolate (30 minutes) A light-hearted look at how opening the wrappers on a certain brand of chocolate candy helped open Kim’s eyes to Bible-reading…and put her on a growth spurt that didn’t involve pounds! Ideal for women’s events, mother/daughter events, or couples events. (Suggested fee: $150 + expenses if greater than 45 miles from Hutchinson, KS)

Music: Each topic can include musical numbers. Adding music will not increase the suggested fee. Please discuss any financial needs with Kim prior to booking.

Fees: Please discuss any financial needs with Kim prior to booking.

Prepared Topics for Writer’s Groups or Classrooms

Turning Rejection Into Redirection (45 minutes) Rejection is inevitable in the writing life, whether in the form of a decined proposal from an editor or less-than-favorable feedback from a reviewer. This workshop looks at the various reasons why rejection happens, presents ways to make rejection less likely, and also examines the positive side of receiving a rejection.

Characters That Walk Off the Page (Into Your Reader’s Heart) (45 minutes) Gingerbread men are wonderful treats at Christmastime, but no reader wants to find cookie-cutter characters in a story. Participants will explore the elements needed to bring characters to life on the page and will practice using their own works-in-progress as the basis for study.

Plotting for Seat-of-the-Pants Writers (45 minutes) A seat-of-the-pants writer enjoys the surprise of creation–who knows what will happen next???–but the downside of such writing is that it’s easy to write yourself into a corner. By employing a few simple techniques of planning roadblocks involving all three story threads, a map guides the SOTP-er to a satisfying conclusion for both writer and reader. (Pairs well with “Characters That Walk Off the Page.”)

I’ve Signed on the Dotted Line… Now What? (45 minutes) Achieving that first contract is a dream-come-true moment! But it can also incite panic. This workshop examined the various responsibilities of meeting a contract’s requirements as well how the writer’s life will change when he/she transitions from writing for self to writing for a publisher.

DON’T Preach It, Writer! (45 minutes) Christian fiction is expected to include a spiritual thread, but no reader wants the story stopped so the author can preach a sermon. This workshop examines way to weave in spiritual elements so they become an integral part of the story’s fabric without overpowering the plot or characters.

Building a Professional Writing Ministry (45 minutes) Writing and speaking often go hand-in hand, but on what topics should a writer speak? How much should he charge? How often should she schedule speaking events? These questions as well as how to stay on the right side of the IRS are addressed in this practical, thought-provoking workshop.

Q & A (from 20-45 minutes) Kim will visit your writing group, classroom, or library and answer questions concerning her personal journey toward publication, publishing in general, or writing in general.

Suggested fee per writing-related presentation: $200 + travel expenses if the location is more than 45 miles from Hutchinson, Kansas. Please contact Kim if your group has a special financial need.

Prepared Topics for Book Clubs or Libraries

Journey Toward Publication (20-30 minutes) Kim’s personal story of becoming a published author. Pairs well with a Q&A session about writing in general or a specific book.

Q & A (from 20-45 minutes) Kim will answer questions concerning her personal journey toward publication, publishing in general, or writing in general.

Kim is available to SKYPE with groups, if desired.

If you would like bookmarks or postcards to share with your Book Club members or library patrons, please contact Kim’s assistant.

© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

Website design and hosting by Vogel Design LLC.

© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

Website design and hosting by Vogel Design LLC.