Seek the Father

Children are great imitators, aren’t they? (Hint: the “do as I say, not as I do” method of parenting fails every time. Kids are little “monkey see, monkey do” beings.) Jesus knew the right things to do because He observed His Father and emulated Him. More than knowing the right things, He DID the right things. My poor girls heard me say, “It’s not enough to know; you have to DO” so many times they probably recited it in their sleep. But it’s true. Jesus watched the Father, and Jesus did what the Father did. We as children of God have the same responsibility to watch the Father and do as the Father does. How can we know what He would do? By studying His Word. He left us a wonderful guide book. I’ll be honest, it’s tough to do the Godly thing. Life presses in, worries pummel us, people pull us in other directions… But we don’t have to rely on our own strength to follow the Godly pathway. God gives us directions, but He also gives us His strength through His Spirit. When in doubt, look up. Seek His face. Seek His wisdom. Then do as the Father would do.

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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