Satisfying appetites

Jesus went to a place where everyone could sit down together. He positioned Himself where He could be seen and heard. Although He’d already given much of Himself, He was willing to give more. Jesus knew His time on earth was limited, and He wasn’t going to waste even one minute. So He sat down, and He looked out across that crowd, and He didn’t think of Himself or His own needs. He saw their hunger. Not only physical hunger, but spiritual hunger. And He wisely knew which to address first. So He turned to one of His disciples, Philip, and asked where they could buy bread so the people could eat. Philip was pretty astounded by the question, because he saw how many people were there and he knew how much money they had. It wouldn’t be nearly enough to purchase bread to satisfy all of these appetites. Of course, Jesus already knew this. He knew what Philip would say, and He had an answer in mind. And, for me personally, His answer is one of the most profoundly impacting statements of His ministry. I’ll share that with you on Thursday.

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