Several years ago, our area of Kansas suffered horrendous prairie fires. The fires lasted for days, and at one point we were instructed to evacuate our home. When you’re told, “Get out now,” you figure out pretty quickly what is really important to you. Everything that we “store up” down here—accolades, collectibles, money, prestige…—can go up in a burst of fire. When we leave this world, we won’t take any of those things with us. If we want to “collect” something that will have into-eternity lasting value, then we need to be in God’s Word. We need to hunger for His instruction; we need to search deeper in His word; we need to see HIM as our treasure. Because when we do, our lives will reflect Him to those we see, and we will store up treasure in heaven—treasure that cannot be burnt, washed away, stolen, or lost. Our Father will keep it safe for us until we meet Him face to face.