Remain in His love

Have you or someone you know gotten all enthusiastic about something, such as an exercise plan or diet, couponing, or a new hobby? In the beginning, we’re all in, diligently focused and on track, but as time goes by, keeping up with it becomes difficult. Our initial excitement dims, it becomes more chore than joy, and slowly we drift away from it completely. Sad to say, this sometimes happens with some people and Christianity. In the beginning, they’re enthusiastic to study the Bible, to tell others about the relationship they’ve discovered, to grow in faith. But when being a Christian becomes difficult—a particular hardship causes them to question God’s presence, a friend rejects them, someone ridicules them…—then the fervor dims. They sleep in a Sunday or two, neglect the Bible reading, and stop growing. The relationship flounders.

Jesus gives us a reminder here: He loves us as the Father loved Him, so remain in His love. The Father sent Jesus to the cross! That was the ultimate “hardship” and “rejection.” Yet Jesus recognized that this act wasn’t done out of spite or carelessness; there was a purpose for His suffering. So Jesus maintained His obedience. When we remain in His love even in times of difficulty or ridicule, we show Him that we are sincere in our commitment to Him. We show others how much He means to us. Our faith is strengthened.

Please don’t grow lukewarm. Keep your fervor. Remain in His love.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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