Reflecting His light

One day every person will stand before God the Father. Those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will have no opportunity to change their hearts at that point; their eternity is sealed. For those who are recorded in His Book, our eternity is also sealed. We will spend it with Him. But there will also be an accounting. Those choices we made that went against God’s instruction, the words we spoke that pierced another’s heart, the times we ignored His tug and followed our own selfish desires…there will be no excuse, and we’ll have to face them when we face Him. But there’s another side to this: we will also see the impact of our times of choosing His will, of serving Him, of unselfishly giving.

When I was a young wife, a minister said from the pulpit, “Strive to live your life without regrets.” I’ve never forgotten those words. Regrets can certainly weigh us down. Pausing and asking for God’s guidance in decision-making will help us live without the regret of wasting our time or choosing unwisely. When our account is given, may it be overflowing with moments of reflecting His light into this world.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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