Do you ever weep when you pray for the lost? When I was younger, I was pretty stiff upper-lipped (that’s how my mom phrased it). Even though I felt things deeply, I kept a rein on my emotions and didn’t let my inner hurt or anguish show. Not anymore. Four or five years ago, I started praying, “Give me Your compassion; break my heart for what breaks Yours,” and that really seemed to shatter my stiff upper lip. Even as I write these words, tears are welling, because images of people—those I know well or those I’ve seen on news reports or on the street—flash in the back of my mind, and I’m reminded of their lostness. God’s desire is for ALL to come to Him in repentance and faith. If that weren’t true, He wouldn’t have sent Jesus to die for all. We want good things for the people we love—health, happiness, success… But what matters most is whether or not they know the Lord. Our deepest heart’s desire for others should be for their salvation. Will you pray salvation for the lost today?