If you’ve read Psalm 139 (one of my faves), you’ve read the scripture that says God formed us in our mother’s womb, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. He crafted us, gifting us with special talents and bents. He has a purpose in every life. Since He created me, He knows me better—inside and out—than anyone else does. Thus it goes to follow that He is the best one to consult for wisdom and direction. Sometimes I don’t understand why I’ve been sent down a specific pathway. (Sending this nervous Nelly into a speaking ministry comes to mind…) In those times of “really? this???” I have to draw on faith that HE knows the reason and will give me what I need to move forward. Eventually, I will be able to look back and see what was accomplished for my good and His glory. He fashioned you. He knows you. Thus, you can trust Him not to lead you astray.