Never despair

Those Jewish leaders… They were so hung up on their laws they couldn’t see the good Jesus had done by healing a man who’d been sick for decades. It didn’t matter a bit to them that this man could now walk—Jesus should not have healed him on the Sabbath because one doesn’t work on the Sabbath. Um, yes, One does. I love Jesus’ response here: “My Father is always working…” God doesn’t take a break. He doesn’t turn a blind eye. He doesn’t pick and choose who to keep track of on a daily basis. For every believer, He is THERE, always watching, always caring, always acting on our behalf. Sometimes we wonder if He’s there because we don’t understand what is happening. But part of faith is believing even when we cannot see. Our vision is so limited. We see the here and now; God sees it all—the what is, the what was, and the what is to come. He KNOWS what is best for us, and He WILL work on our behalf to make us the very best “us” we can possibly be. Never despair! God IS there for you.

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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