My mother lived 82 years. In her family, with its history of heart disease, that was a long life. But truthfully, in light of eternity, 82 years is a very brief period of time. All of us are mortal; we’re here, as they say, on borrowed time. Thus it’s wise for us to approach the time we’re given with a proper perspective, a perspective that includes God and, more importantly, makes Him the center of our lives. The “days of darkness” referenced here speaks of the length of time our physical bodies will spend in death. When considering eternity, we’ll be “dead” a lot longer than we’ll be “alive”! Knowing we won’t live on this earth forever ought to provide us with the motivation to use our days wisely. Yes, of course we’re to enjoy our lives rather than moping around in a spirit of gloom and doom, but our ultimate reality will be experienced in the next life. Life won’t last forever, so use the time wisely. Savor it! Live to make a difference. Live to point others to Him.