Romans is an amazing book, full of wisdom so applicable to today’s challenges. It is estimated that 30-35% of the United States population (roughly 90-100 million people) call themselves evangelical Christians. Those who bear that title have a responsibility: to reflect Christ. One of the ways we do this is to put another’s needs ahead of our own. Jesus was never selfish. He was unselfish all the way to the cross! Jesus was truthful with every person He encountered, and every word and deed was motivated by a genuine love for mankind. If we allow anger, disgust, or hatred to infiltrate our interactions with the unsaved, we’re doing them a huge disservice. People need the truth—the truth that they desperately need the Lord—but we must present that message in a way that communicates how much we care about their lostness. And new Christians, those who haven’t yet matured to the place of “eating meat” as opposed to “drinking milk,” need our encouragement rather than our criticism. It’s so easy to point out what people are doing wrong, but it’s much more loving to advise, inspire, bolster, and cheer every forward step. Let’s strive to honor God with the way we speak to fellow believers and the way we witness to unbelievers. Kind words bear much fruit.