Jesus’s footsteps

We live in a selfish, all-about-me world. The “if it’s right in my eyes, it’s right” or the “if it feels good, do it” mentality is completely opposite of the example Jesus set. He sought and followed His Father’s will. There was no selfishness involved in Jesus’ ministry. Everything He did was intended to point to the Father. Even though the Father’s will included going to the cross, Jesus went. With His power as the Son of God, He could have destroyed those who set out to crucify Him. He chose, instead, to give Himself as a sacrifice for mankind. And, oh, the difference His sacrifice makes for us! No more being bound by the chains of sin! No more fear of death! No more striving to be “good enough”! We have the promise of His presence now, tomorrow, and into eternity because Jesus Christ did the will of God who sent Him. Jesus knew He could not be satisfied unless He was in God’s will. Nor can we, as God’s children, be content outside of His will. If you’re uncertain about His will, read His Word. Ask Him to “open the eyes of your heart.” He’ll show you, and you’ll discover a joy unexplainable as you follow your Father’s footsteps.

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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