How many times have you heard someone say, “If God loves everybody, He won’t send anyone to hell”? The statement is so sad because the thought is all skewed. Yes, God does love everyone. It is His will that NONE should perish. He sent Jesus, who opened the gate to heaven for all who choose to believe that He is the risen Son of God, the sinless sacrificial Lamb. Those who leave this world and find themselves eternally separated from God are those who rejected the Son. We can’t find salvation in religion; it comes from relationship. We can’t find fulfillment in the things of the world; fulfillment comes from filling that empty spot inside with HIM. The Bible is very clear: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)” God loves everyone. That isn’t up for debate. The question is, do we believe in His Son?