Decades ago, I asked an elderly man if He knew Jesus as Savior. He said nope. I asked if he’d like to know Him. He said, “I’m a good man. I don’t cheat, lie, or steal, and if that’s not enough to satisfy God, then that’s too bad.” I can only pray he didn’t go to his grave with that attitude. We can’t rely on human standards, because they change with the political tides. What society chooses to do might become the societal “norm,” but that doesn’t make it moral or right. God is the only One able to set a standard because He’s the One who made us. He knows us intimately, and He knows what will bring us the greatest joy and satisfaction—a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ and the living holy, Christ-honoring lives. If we call ourselves believers but knowingly choose to behave in ways that contradict the Bible, it will bring judgment. I don’t say that with any amount of smugness or arrogance or stone-throwing (I’m far too familiar with my own shortcomings!), but with a deep yearning for the lost to find their way to the cross. Jesus is coming again. Will you pray for those you encounter to be ready to greet Him?
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