If you’re familiar with this section of Matthew’s Gospel, you probably know that the verses we refer to as the Great Commission come next. But I don’t think we should overlook this introduction. Jesus came near… He had been crucified. People saw Him die. People knew He’d been placed in a tomb. Yes, rumors were circulating that He’d risen from the dead, but there were probably many who doubted it. His drawing near, where He could be plainly seen, and then speaking should have put all doubts to rest. This was the One who’d suffered, died, and resurrected, just as He’d said He would. And He offered those listening a powerful acclamation: “All authority has been given to me…” Jesus taught and acted with the authority given to Him by God the Father. During His earthly ministry, He exercised His authority over demons, disease, and even death! Satan tried to challenge it, but Jesus’ resurrection vindicated His authority as God’s Son. It was now unquestioned. Since He’d be returning to the Father, He had something important to say, and He had the authority to give it. We’ll look at His mandate tomorrow.