Love the Lord with all my heart—the heart, where my emotions reside. Emotions are fickle, but God’s love for me is steadfast and sure; therefore, I choose to love and praise Him even when I don’t “feel” like it.
Love the Lord with my soul—the soul, the eternal part of myself. My soul recognizes that I’ve been created for a purpose, and that purpose is to live for my Creator. My soul can love Him now, while my heart still beats, and will love Him even when my body dies. My soul will reside with Him eternally.
Love the Lord with my mind—the mind, where thought and reason reside. I can’t rely on my own reasoning because some things are beyond my ability to understand, but I can choose to trust that He knows best and always acts in my best interest. I can lean into His strength, bask in His peace, focus on those things that are of Him (see Philippians 4:8). I can daily renew my mind by reading His Word and asking for His wisdom.
To love the Lord with my heart, soul, and mind means being intentional in my walk with Him. This is how I grow in grace and faith.