Finding joy

My parents were married a little over 60 years when my Mom graduated to heaven. That’s a pretty big number, and a pretty big commitment! But even more than my mom and dad were committed to each other, they were individually and as a couple committed to following their Lord. My folks weren’t perfect (none of us are!), but I can honestly say I never saw them stray from God’s pathway. In those moments when frustration or uncertainty struck—moments when their faith might have faltered—there was an abrupt about-face that brought them back into alignment with Him. Both of them learned early the importance of seeking and following God, and God sustained them through difficult childhoods. In turn, they taught my brother and me to seek and follow the Lord. God’s pathway is the only one that leads to life. We might stumble off the path at times as we make our way through life, but I pray in every circumstance we will recall His instructions, choose to obey His instructions, and place our feet again on the pathway He’s crafted for us. That’s where we will find joy.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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