I love reading the lyrical language of the King James Version, but I have a whole shelf of Bibles in various translations because sometimes I need a little further clarification for a verse’s meaning. The Message translates this scripture in this way: “I follow your directions, abide by your counsel; my life’s an open book before you.” The “open book” part, of course, catches my attention. Lots of people judge a book by its cover, without bothering to look at the pages. God never does that. He sees beneath the surface. He understands our motivations. He feels our deepest fears and insecurities. He sees the things we try so diligently to keep hidden. He knows us so well, inside and out, that He is able to meet our every need even before we ask. We are never out of His sight or His thoughts. He KNOWS you so well, and He loves you unconditionally. I hope that brings you an element of comfort today.