Purpose and fulfillment

The gifts bestowed by the Spirit aren’t meant to be hoarded! I love the word “manifestation.” Literally, it means an outward demonstration of what is hidden—what’s on our inside will show in our actions and attitudes. The reason the Holy Spirit gifts us is for the common good. If we don’t use the gifts we’ve been given for the well-being and proper functioning of the Body of Christ, we will feel as if something is missing. It’s kind of a blending of the verse that says it’s more blessed to give than to receive and Christ’s direction to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Spirit fills us and expects us to spill over on others, not so we can earn accolades but for the betterment of society. When we do what we’ve been gifted to do, we find our purpose and fulfillment.

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

Website design and hosting by Vogel Design LLC.