What a command—to love as Jesus loved. Isn’t it interesting that Jesus didn’t make this a suggestion, a casual aside (“By the way, if you’re up to it, why not go ahead and love one another, okay?”), or even a goal to strive toward? He called it a command; He said we MUST love one another. There are a lot of people who call themselves Christians who haven’t yet mastered the concept of loving as Jesus loved. Jesus loved unconditionally, but He didn’t condone ungodly behavior. He was able to love the sinner and still condemn the sin. Easy for us? Nope. Not even close to easy. Can we even do it? Are we, who are human and imperfect and often selfish, capable of loving as Jesus loved? Not on our own. But thank the Lord, we aren’t left to our own abilities. The Holy Spirit indwells us, and with His help, we can extend mercy and grace and kindness even to those who are anything but merciful and kind to us. That doesn’t mean we approve the sin, but we love the sinner in spite of the sin. If we truly call ourselves God’s children, then there isn’t a choice. We are commanded to love.