Choosing the light

It’s no surprise that the majority of crimes take place during the night. Under the cover of darkness, it’s easier for wrongdoing to be hidden. Even my dog slinks to her crate with its shadowy interior when she knows she’s done something she shouldn’t. I think it’s fair to say most people don’t like to admit they’ve done wrong. They’d rather find excuses for their behavior or point a finger of blame at someone else. We don’t like to be told we’re in the wrong. But in order to receive the light, we have to admit we’re wrong. That we’re lost. That we need a Savior. There can’t be redemption without repentance. It’s not enough to say “I’m sorry.” True repentance means change. In order to be redeemed, we must be willing to repent of our wrongdoings and make a life change that reflects the Light of God. It’s scary in the dark; let’s choose the light. (And happy 88th birthday to my dad, one of my first and best examples of what it means to walk in the Light!)

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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