“From now on then” refers to what takes place after we’ve been reconciled to God through Christ. The believer’s viewpoint changes. He no longer sees the way the world sees, dividing people into categories of race, ethnicity, nationality, economic status, or any other means of separating people…and assigning them a “worth” according to those classifiers. External appearances no longer matter; what matters is the person’s spiritual status. Do they or do they not know the Lord? So many people view Jesus as just a storybook character, or a good man, or a good teacher, or a good example to follow. Those are all worldly views. Those of us who have met Him and accepted His gift of salvation now view Him as Savior and risen Lord. Once we see Jesus in the light of truth, we are never the same. But Jesus isn’t the one who changes; the person in Christ does. We’ll explore that more thoroughly tomorrow.