Believe and live

As depressing as this might sound, from the moment we’re born, we begin the dying process. Our bodies are meant to break down. No one lives forever. That is, no one lives forever in a physical sense. Here’s exciting news: from the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we are spiritually alive forever. We needn’t fear physical death, because the end of our physical life opens the door to eternity. My mom’s been gone now for almost six years, but I remember so well those final two weeks of her time on earth. She knew her physical body was failing, and as much as she regretted having to leave my dad and the rest of her family, she strained toward heaven. She loved Jesus, and she was eager to see His face, to thank Him for saving her. There was no fear at all—no worry about condemnation because she knew she had been forgiven. Seeing her step so confidently and joyfully toward eternity changed my perspective of death. It truly has no sting for the believer. Believe…and live.

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