Hoo boy, it sure is easy to offend these days, isn’t it? Jesus knew that some of those following Him were complaining about His message, and He asked the question, but you know what? I don’t think He was all that concerned about whether or not He offended. What concerned…
The multitudes of people who followed Jesus had seen Him perform miracles. They’d heard Him speak in ways that held them spellbound. They realized there was something special about Him, but they needed to understand that following Him wasn’t about being entertained—truly following Him was a commitment. So Jesus was…
God sent Jesus with the intention that none should perish. His will for every soul ever born is to seek Him, to find Him, to follow Him, to intimately know Him. Sometimes when I pray for people, I’m not sure what to ask, so I ask God to work His…
We live in a selfish, all-about-me world. The “if it’s right in my eyes, it’s right” or the “if it feels good, do it” mentality is completely opposite of the example Jesus set. He sought and followed His Father’s will. There was no selfishness involved in Jesus’ ministry. Everything He…
HYMN DAY! “Blessed Assurance” by Fanny Crosby is a hymn I know we’ve seen before (probably more than once!), but it fits this scripture so well, and it’s one that definitely bears repeating. Oh, the assurance of salvation! What an incredible gift. 1 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what…
There are some people who are so stubbornly set in their own ways that even when they are proven wrong, they can’t accept it. The Jewish leaders had it in their heads that the Messiah would be a warrior king, one who would rescue them from Roman rule. Even though…
When we meet Jesus—when we truly believe He is the risen Son of God and ask Him to be our personal Lord and Savior—we are changed. The emptiness that sent us after things of the world is now filled with Him. Our hunger for love and acceptance is satisfied; our…
Jesus wanted to feed the thousands of people who had followed Him to the mountainside. The only food available was the insignificant lunch belonging one little boy. But Jesus instructed His disciples to have the people sit and prepare to be fed. Then Jesus blessed the loaves and the fishes,…
Jesus suggested feeding the thousands of people gathered on the mountainside. The disciples didn’t have money to purchase so much bread. Then Andrew, one of the disciples, brought a little boy to Jesus. This child had come prepared with a simple lunch of five barley loaves and two fish. Enough…
HYMN DAY! “Precious Lord, Take My Hand,” by Thomas Dorsey always puts a smile on my face and a lift in my heart. You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHBzI_Jb-o4 1. Precious Lord, take my hand, Lead me on, help me stand— I am tired, I am weak, I am…