Kim Vogel Sawyer

My greatest Joy

My greatest Joy

I get a little weepy reading these words—the good kind of weepy. You see, I have learned that when I lift my soul to Him—open myself fully to Him in praise and adoration—joy always follows. Even in the midst of heartache, confusion, or fear, praise changes me. I know I’ve…

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In light of eternity

In light of eternity

Have you ever prayed something similar to the psalmist’s words? When I am deeply hurting, I want the Lord to hear me and answer NOW. Of course, I usually want Him to immediately remove whatever is causing me pain. But I’ve learned something in the past half century… God can…

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The Covenant God

The Covenant God

When I was child, our family moved a lot. That was so hard for me. I was bashful, so very bashful, and walking into a new classroom full of new faces was excruciating. I didn’t have a lot of friends—it’s hard to make friends when you’re shy, and why bother…

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Rescued for eternity

Rescued for eternity

My mom always said, “There are two thing in life that are certain: death and taxes.” Kind of a tongue-in-cheek statement. It’s also true. We can’t avoid either one. So how can the psalmist claim that he was rescued from the depths of death? Well, “depth” could be changed to…

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Remaining pure

Remaining pure

Purity…this is something sorely lacking in today’s society. Marketers holler, “Sensuality sells!” and it permeates advertising, entertainment, and lifestyle choices. Being pure is considered old-fashioned or holier-than-thou or impossible. It’s none of those things. Keeping our hearts pure honors the One who created us. He wants us to live life…

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Jesus is coming

Jesus is coming

Once several years ago when the Wugmumps were here, a typical toddler conversation took place. Big Wugmump told Wee Wugmump that they would have popcorn and a movie after supper. Wee Wugmump, for whatever reason, didn’t believe big sister, and she said, “Nuh-uh!” Big Wugmump nodded with all the wisdom…

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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