HYMN DAY! “Just When I Need Him Most” by William C. Poole is such an amazing reminder and promise. He is always there! Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, Just when I falter, just when I fear; Ready to help me, ready to cheer, Just when I need…

HYMN DAY! “Just When I Need Him Most” by William C. Poole is such an amazing reminder and promise. He is always there! Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, Just when I falter, just when I fear; Ready to help me, ready to cheer, Just when I need…
Daily Devotion July 4, 2023 4Views 0Likes (Stepping away from Psalm 91 today to consider the blessedness of freedom.) My maternal great-grandparents and paternal great-great-grandparents came to America from Russia in the early 1870s in search of the freedoms promised by this country. Having lived under oppression, they appreciated the…
WHEN we devote ourselves to Him, THEN we can anticipate His blessings. Look at these blessings. “I will deliver him…” The angels aren’t delivering us, but the God who created the angels will deliver us from evil. God knows who loves Him, and He responds to our love with His…
The closing verses of Psalm 91 are different from the first 13. These final three aren’t the psalmist’s speaking of God, but are God speaking to His beloved followers. The description, “lovingly devoted,” is so important. We all have those rainy day friends—the ones who come around when they need…
I’ve heard people say they decided Christianity wasn’t for them because it didn’t keep them from having problems. I’m always puzzled by the reasoning, because no where in the Bible does it say the Christian life will be free of conflict. Rather, it pretty much assures the opposite! The most…
HYMN DAY! “God Will Take Care of You” by Civilia D. Martin. Our church hymnal only has three verses ((1, 2, and 5), but I included them as the author intended. 1 Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you! Beneath His wings of love abide, God…
When my dad was a little boy, he got the grand idea of riding a rug down the stairway in his family’s farmhouse (like a sled down a hill). His first descent went swimmingly, and it was so much fun, he decided to do it again. The second time, he…
“No harm…no plague will come near…” We read these words and we immediately think of harm or illnesses that have befallen us. Yes, in this sinful world, there will hardships. Our bodies will suffer and break down. But that doesn’t mean we’ve been abandoned. On the contrary! If we are…
Daily Devotion June 23, 2023 33Views 0Likes It might seem as if wrong goes unchallenged and evil wins, but as Christians, we know better. We KNOW that Jesus is already victorious. We KNOW that God is mightier than any of His created beings. God the Father gives free will—He offers…
Daily Devotion June 22, 2023 23Views 0Likes There is a plague of evil in this world. We see examples of heresy and degradation and immorality every day. But those who strive to remain in close fellowship with the Lord will not fall into the pit with the heretics and dishonorable…