Kim Vogel Sawyer

Shine like stars

Shine like stars

Probably all of us have set to some task not out of any real joy or desire to complete it, but because someone else expects it of us. We perform the duty out of obligation. God expects us to follow Him with an attitude of willing obedience, not grumbling obligation.…

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Never give up

Never give up

I’ve heard on more than one occasion, “I’m never going to get it right, so why should I even try?” I understand frustration and discouragement, but I hope we never apply that attitude toward our Christian walk. You see, we do not walk alone. We do not face challenges on…

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Unselfish love

Unselfish love

One way Christians can “stand out” in the world is the way we treat others. The mantra for many is “look out for number one.” The Christian is called to do the opposite—to consider the feelings and needs of others before seeking to please self. When we remember that each…

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Unity and love

Unity and love

Paul wrote these words to the believers in Philippi a long time ago, but it’s a message we can take to heart today. When Christian brothers and sisters support each other, love each other, and work together for the betterment of the Kingdom, we bring glory to our Heavenly Father.…

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Living like Christ

Living like Christ

Verse 3 calls believers to unity. That unity comes from three elements we share: 1) our common salvation, granted through acceptance as Christ as Savior; 2) the Holy Spirit’s presence and enlightenment in our lives; and 3) our obedience to the Lord. These communal elements provide our foundation of oneness.…

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Agape love

Agape love

Yesterday I shared that Paul urged the Ephesian Christian to assume an attitude of Christ-likeness. If they did so, their actions would reflect that heart attitude. “With all” are strong words, because they indicate each of these characteristics are to be exercised fully. Humility and gentleness often get a bum…

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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