HYMN DAY! “More Like Jesus” may be unfamiliar to you, but Fanny Crosby never fails to move me with her writings. This is the goal of a Christian—less of me and more of Him. 1 More like Jesus would I be, Let my Savior dwell with me; Fill my soul…
As I said yesterday, when we finally see Jesus for who He truly is and ask Him to be our personal Savior and Lord, we change. We become new in our thinking and behaviors—transformed from the inside out. Former attitudes, practices, values, and selfish desires that once guided us go…
“From now on then” refers to what takes place after we’ve been reconciled to God through Christ. The believer’s viewpoint changes. He no longer sees the way the world sees, dividing people into categories of race, ethnicity, nationality, economic status, or any other means of separating people…and assigning them a…
It isn’t easy to be a Christian in today’s society. It wasn’t easy to be a Christian for those who followed Jesus when He lived on earth, either. The world was wicked and hostile, and Jesus was sending them out to confront people’s lostness. They had no army backup, no…
Teaching means to give instruction, instill doctrine, or explain or expound on something. To make disciples but fail to give practical instruction on what it means to be a disciple doesn’t make a great deal of sense. We often speak of evangelism and discipleship as separate functions but, honestly, the…
“I Love to Tell the Story” by A. Kate Hankey was my mom’s absolute favorite hymn. She sang it on her deathbed. I sure hope you’ve heard the story of Jesus and His love, and I hope you’re sharing it with others. I love to tell the story of unseen…
Once Jesus established His authority, he gave a direct command to those who followed Him: make disciples of all nations. In this case, “make” doesn’t mean strong-arm or compel. No one can be forced into Christianity; believing is a choice made by the individual. But believers are to teach other…
If you’re familiar with this section of Matthew’s Gospel, you probably know that the verses we refer to as the Great Commission come next. But I don’t think we should overlook this introduction. Jesus came near… He had been crucified. People saw Him die. People knew He’d been placed in…
Jesus prayed for His disciples, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.” As His followers, we are not part of the world. Yet we’re stuck in it until that time we’re called Home. While we’re here walking among people who have no respect for…
In the time period that Peter wrote these words, the people would have been very familiar with making sacrifices—usually animals—to a deity. Christians no longer need to make redemptive animal sacrifices because Jesus’ blood shed on Calvary covers our sins. However, making spiritual sacrifices shows the world we’ve been changed.…