“Seven times a day I do praise thee…” Ouch. How often is this statement true? Most days, I confess, I get so wrapped up in life in general that praising the Lord gets pushed to the end of the to-do list. But, in retrospect, each day holds at the very least seven reasons to praise Him. Starting with the sunrise (the pics you’ve seen over the past several weeks have been photos I’ve taken from my yard)—another day of breath and life! Then when I open my Bible for devotions—His Word is readily available to me and it isn’t against the law for me to study it! Then when I sit at the keyboard and open up the latest file—I have the privilege of penning stories of faith and growth! Then when my dad or one of my kids call—I have the blessing of family! Then…. I could go on and on. But do I praise Him at each of these daily junctures? Um…*cringe* Should I? Absolutely! He is worthy of my worship and praise simply because He is the righteous One who created this world and everything in it. Lord, develop in me a heart of praise and adoration for who You are and who I am to You.