Jesus’s messenger

God sent Jesus with the intention that none should perish. His will for every soul ever born is to seek Him, to find Him, to follow Him, to intimately know Him. Sometimes when I pray for people, I’m not sure what to ask, so I ask God to work His will. When it comes to salvation, I never have to wonder if it’s His will. I can say with all confidence, “Lord, keep knocking at his heart’s door, and let him answer.” There are people in every community who need to see the Son. Maybe their parents didn’t take them to church when they were children and they’ve never heard the message of salvation. But you don’t have to go into a church building to see the Son. Each of us who claim Christianity are billboards for Jesus. We can show Him in the way we speak, the things we do, the way we treat others. Maybe we should pray every morning, “Lord, let others see Jesus in me today, and when they see Him, let them seek Him.” It’s His will that none are lost. Perhaps it’s His will for you to be His messenger for someone today.

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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