Arguments, accusations, angry words…we’re exposed to them every day, aren’t we? It seems our world is rife with conflict and criticism. But we as Christians are not to be part of this world. We’re aliens, remember? This world is only a place we’re passing through; it’s not intended to be our home. And our lives need to reflect that truth. If we keep our minds stayed on Him, striving to please Him in the things we do and say, we’re much more likely to show a mind and voice that is united with the Father’s. Not only united with Him, but united with fellow believers, proving that we are one in the Spirit and are part of the Body—children of God. One of the reasons I love to sing hymns is because of the different parts blending in harmony. Think of your life as a melody joining with the melodies of other believers into a sweet harmony that invites the listeners to become a part of our choir. What a beautiful testimony we write together when we unite in harmony rather than engage in discord.